PuMP works.

If you’re still struggling to find meaningful performance measures that align to strategy, engage everyone, and drive strategy execution, then PuMP is what you need.

PuMP supports any strategic management framework you’re already using, such as the Balanced Scorecard, OKRs, and even industry-specific or regulatory management frameworks.

PuMP fills the gaps, and brings it all seamlessly together.

Executive team meeting with lively discussion

PuMP is more than performance measurement…

PuMP began as a performance measurement process. But it evolved to become an approach to support strategy execution, through its focus on measurable results, goal alignment, and team collaboration to achieve results and reach targets. PuMP is practical and engaging, because it’s designed as a process that is logical to follow.

PuMP is a process.

W. Edwards Deming said “If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing.” And, if you can’t describe what you’re doing as a process, you won’t be able to improve it to get better results.

PuMP is a process, one that covers every essential step in the process of measuring performance – particularly in support of strategy execution. And it’s been continually improved for more than 25 years, to become the proven methodology it is today.

Can you describe your approach to choose, implement and use performance measures to achieve strategy, as a process?

If you cannot, then what you likely have is the absence of a deliberate measurement approach. And without a deliberate approach, your KPIs won’t be great, and won’t do what they’re supposed to do. And you won’t get the best from the other performance frameworks you’re already using.

PuMP supports every performance framework!

Even if you use other strategic management frameworks, PuMP will support them. That’s because PuMP adds a level of detail to the steps of measuring performance, detail that every other framework leaves out. It fills the gaps so you can get the most out of any performance framework, like Balanced Scorecard, OKRs, logic model, and many more.

If you care about measuring performance and you want to do it well, but you’re not using PuMP yet, perhaps one or more of the following reasons might encourage you to at least try PuMP:

  1. PuMP is about how to measure performance and execute strategy, specifically to improve organisational results.
  2. PuMP is based on in-the-trenches experience and practice, over several decades and all around the world.
  3. PuMP has a unique level of detailed, logical and practical how-to instruction, that is designed and packaged for easy implementation by both Executive and operational teams.
  4. PuMP balances the technical and social sides of measuring and managing performance, which means it will engage everyone in how to create meaningful measures to achieve strategically-aligned goals they feel strong ownership of.
  5. PuMP removes reliance on expensive consultants, and increases the success of dashboard apps and software, making performance measurement and management an in-house capability.
  6. PuMP is used and loved around the world, in every sector and countless industries, for its practicality, logic, engagement, and results.

We want you to try PuMP.

We want you to try (and hopefully adopt) PuMP because we know it works. We know PuMP will forever transform the way you think about and do measurement, especially for strategic management and performance improvement. In a powerful way. PuMP won’t just change your KPIs; it will change the way you think about results, which results matter, and the way you feel about making a difference through those results.